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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Back to School 2019-2020

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! On this blog you will find information about math topics we are covering and homework assignments when given. Most weeks, math homework is given Monday-Thursday and consists of approx. 10 math problems to complete. We also encourage practicing basic multiplication and division facts until they are memorized. Knowledge of the facts will help make all of the concepts taught in fourth grade so much easier and help to become successful in all concepts taught this year.

Our curriculum consists of a variety of resources including guided math, math antics, pearson, and other resources that we find valuable. Class will be a combination of whole group and small group instruction. Some helpful resources are listed here on the blog for you to access that we will be using in class such as prodigy math and math antics videos.

I look forward to a great year!