google classroom

google classroom
Link to my google classroom information

Monday, November 11, 2019

November 12- November 27, 2019

We are continuing to work on our place value unit. We will be working on all types of addition and subtraction problems using the standard algorithm and strip diagrams. We will also be completing input/ output tables that will include addition and subtraction. Starting this week, we will be sending home a homework sheet ( or sheets) at the beginning of each week. The homework will be due later in the week ( Thurs. or Friday). This homework will be graded and used as part of a homework grade. These assignments will cover topics we are currently covering or topics we have covered. Please make sure to complete this assignment neatly and completely.

Spring math is coming along. We will continue with subtraction facts. Anyone who is not reaching the target goal of 66, should be reviewing addition and subtraction facts daily.

Have a great Thanksgiving!!!